Protection towards PLHIV offered by a general insurance contract
The majority of Hong Kong insurance contracts clearly state that, treatment or tests that relate to AIDS or HIV are excluded from their coverage, which includes HIV treatment or any AIDS Related Complex (ARC), etc. In other words, the treatment associated with HIV would not be covered.

Situation 1:

I do not have an insurance contract at the moment.

In Hong Kong, since insurance companies do not accept applications from People Living with HIV (PLHIV) , HIV+ people cannot purchase life insurance, critical illness protection, medical insurance and hospital insurance as they require the declaration of their health condition. HIV+ people can only purchase insurance contracts which do not require the applicants to declare their health condition, such as saving insurance.
Because the life expectancy of HIV+ people who have good drug adherence and people without HIV is similar, medical care is equally important to HIV+. We recommend HIV+ to prepare their medical care instead of relying on life insurance/critical illness protection/medical insurance/hospital insurance in case of emergency.

Situation 2:

I do not have an insurance contract at the moment.

In Hong Kong, since insurance companies do not accept applications from People Living with HIV (PLHIV) , HIV+ people cannot purchase life insurance, critical illness protection, medical insurance and hospital insurance as they require the declaration of their health condition. HIV+ people can only purchase insurance contracts which do not require the applicants to declare their health condition, such as saving insurance.
Because the life expectancy of HIV+ people who have good drug adherence and people without HIV is similar, medical care is equally important to HIV+. We recommend HIV+ to prepare their medical care instead of relying on life insurance/critical illness protection/medical insurance/hospital insurance in case of emergency.

狀況三 : 我已投保一份醫療保險

你應細閱醫療保險的條款,以確認 (i) 愛滋病是否受保及 (ii) 你在受保期間是否需要向保險公司披露任何健康狀況的改變。部分醫療保險有特定條款要求保單持有⼈或受保⼈均要如實披露任何健康狀況的改變。
此外, 市場上有些醫療保險產品對愛滋病相關之醫療費⽤的賠償亦設有條件限制。例如, 保險公司可明文規定如受保⼈在保單⽣效⽇起計某段時間內發病,但無法證明初次感染的時間,保險公司將視受保⼈於保單⽣效⽇前已患上愛滋病,並有權拒絕賠償相關之醫療費⽤。

狀況四 : 保險公司在得悉我的愛滋病狀況後
根據《承保商專業守則》規定,保險公司應有處理投訴之內部機制。若你對賠償金額及 / 或保險公司的拒賠行為極之不滿,你可以直接向保險公司投訴。如你對保險公司處理投訴的手法仍有不滿,還可以向保險業監管局和保險投訴局作出投訴。

Feel free to contact POZ Life when you have any concerns.